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Benny & Joon

23 April, 1993

Informazioni su Benny & Joon

Golden Globe nominated film which sees a mentally ill young woman fall for her a man who models himself after silent film era star Buster Keaton.

Realizzazione di Benny & Joon

The movie popularized The Proclaimers song "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" in the United States. Johnny Depp was a multiple MTV Movie Award nominee in addition to Golden Globe nominee for his performance. 

Top fatti che non sapevi su Benny & Joon

Benny Hill An English comedian, actor, singer, songwriter and writer, best remembered for his television.... Göran Bror Benny Andersson A Swedish musician, composer, producer, member of the Swedish music group ABBA, and co-composer.... Benny Goodman An American jazz clarinetist and bandleader known as the"King of Swing".

Ultime informazioni su Benny & Joon aggiornate a 28 Luglio 2021.