О Тейлор Jackass

A group of wild daredevils engage in crazy stunts and pranks. The show ran for three seasons and aired a total of 25 episodes.

Достижении Jackass

The show launched a number of spin-offs including Viva La Bam, Wildboyz, Homewrecker, Dr. Steve-O, Nitro Circus, and Blastazoid. It also spawned seven films as of 2017. 

Топ-факты о Jackass, которые вы не знали

Jackass (TV series) An American reality series, originally shown on MTV from 2000 to 2002, featuring people.... Jackass: The Movie A 2002 American reality comedy film directed by Jeff Tremaine with the tagline"Do not attempt.... Jackass Mountain A mountain in the Canadian Cascades of the Cascade Range in southwestern British Columbia, Canada...

Последняя информация о Jackass обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.