The Story of Tracy Beaker

The Story of Tracy Beaker is a British children's book first published in 1991, written by Jacqueline Wilson and illustrated by Nick Sharratt.

Author Jacqueline Wilson
Иллюстратор Nick Sharratt
Publisher Doubleday
Followed by The Dare Game

О Тейлор The Story of Tracy Beaker

A ten-year-old girl causes trouble as she is placed in a children's home. The series is based on the book of the same name by Йацяуелине Щилсон.

Достижении The Story of Tracy Beaker

The show ran for five seasons and aired 120 episodes in total. It also spawned a feature length made for TV movie called Tracy Beaker's Movie of Me.

Топ-факты о The Story of Tracy Beaker, которые вы не знали

The Story of Tracy Beaker Category.. Tracy Beaker series.. British children's novels.

Последняя информация о The Story of Tracy Beaker обновлена 28 Июль, 2021.