Abducted in Plain Sight, also known as Forever B, is a 2017 true crime documentary film directed by Skye Borgman. The documentary covers the kidnappings of Jan Broberg Felt, an Idaho teenager who was abducted by her neighbor Robert Berchtold in the 1970s on two occasions. The story was first told in Stolen Innocence: The Jan Broberg Story, a memoir published by Felt and her mother. Notably, Felt herself appeared in the documentary, a fact that received coverage in news media. The film was produced by Top Knot Films and later released by Netflix in 2019.
Direktor | Skye Borgman |
Produced by | Skye Borgman, Emily Kincaid, Stephanie Tobey |
Music | Carl Dante |
Cinematography | Skye Borgman |
Edited by | James Cude |
Production, company | Top Knot Films |
Released | May 26, 2017 (Mammoth Lakes Film Festival) |
Running time | 91 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 81000864 |
Über Abducted in Plain Sight
True crime documentary about the naive Brobergs, a family that falls prey to the manipulative charms of of a sociopathic neighbor who abducts their adolescent daughter, twice.
Abducted in Plain Sight Erfolg
The film won 14 awards across numerous film festivals, including the Best Documentary Feature honor at the 2017 Impact Docs Awards.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Abducted in Plain Sight nicht wussten
Documentary films about crime.
Aktuelle Informationen über Abducted in Plain Sight wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.