Fred: The Movie is a 2010 television comedy film written by David A. Goodman, directed by Clay Weiner and produced by Brian Robbins. The film is based on the adventures of Fred Figglehorn, a character created and played by Lucas Cruikshank for Cruikshank's YouTube channel, and it is the first film in the Fred trilogy. The film casts Siobhan Fallon Hogan and John Cena as Fred's parents and pop singer and actress Pixie Lott as Fred's crush Judy. First optioned as a theatrical release, the film instead premiered on children's TV channel Nickelodeon in the United States on September 18, 2010. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the film was released theatrically on December 17, 2010. This film was the debut of Pixie Lott as an actress. The film was unanimously panned and has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It is considered one of the worst films of all time.
Based on | Characters by Lucas Cruikshank |
Written by | David A. Goodman |
Directed by | Clay Weiner |
Starring | Lucas Cruikshank, Jennette McCurdy, Pixie Lott, John Cena, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Jake Weary, Oscar Nunez |
Music by | Roddy Bottum |
Country of origin | United States |
Producer(s) | Lucas Cruikshank, Brian Robbins, Sharla Sumpter Bridgett |
Cinematography | Scott Henriksen |
Editor(s) | Ned Bastille |
Running time | 83 minutes |
Production company(s) | Derf Films, Varsity Pictures, Collective Digital Studio |
Distributor | Lionsgate (DVD), ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks (TV Version) |
Budget | $4 million (approx) |
Netflix ID | 70143743 |
Über Fred: The Movie
The annoying Fred attempts to get Judy to fall in love with him. The film is based on Fred Figglehorn, a character created by Lucas Cruikshank for his YouTube channel
Fred: The Movie Erfolg
The Nickelodeon premiere of the movie gained over 7 million viewers. The film marks Pixie Lott's, who plays Judy, film debut.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Fred: The Movie nicht wussten
Films based on web series.. American slapstick comedy films.. American children's comedy films.. American teen comedy films.
Aktuelle Informationen über Fred: The Movie wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.