George of the Jungle is an American animated television series produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, who created The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. The character George was inspired by the story of Tarzan and a cartoon characterization of George Eiferman drawn by a cook on his mine sweeper in the Navy during World War II. It ran for 17 episodes on Saturday mornings from September 9 to December 30, 1967, on the American television network ABC.
Created by | Jay Ward, Bill Scott |
Directed by | Gerard Baldwin, Frank Braxton, Pete Burness, Paul Harvey, Jim Hiltz, Bill Hurtz, Lew Keller, John Walker |
Starring | Bill Scott, Paul Frees, June Foray, Daws Butler |
Opening theme | Stan Worth, Sheldon Allman |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of episodes | 17 |
Executive producer(s) | Ponsonby Britt, O.B.E, Jay Ward, Bill Scott |
Producer(s) | Jay Ward, Bill Scott |
Running time | 30 minutes with commercials |
Production company(s) | Jay Ward Productions |
Distributor | NBCUniversal Television Distribution (on behalf of DreamWorks Classics) |
Original network | ABC |
Followed by | George of the Jungle (2007 TV series) |
Über George of the Jungle
Live-action adaptation of the cartoon of the same name in which a man who was raised by apes falls in love with a wealthy American heiress. The concept is considered a spoof of Tarzan.
George of the Jungle Erfolg
Sam Weisman directed the movie which was written by Dana Olsen and Audrey Wells. In 2003, a direct-to-video sequel was released that included only three actors from the original: Thomas Haden Church, John Cleese and Keith Scott.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über George of the Jungle nicht wussten
George of the Jungle Category.. Africa in fiction.. Jungles in fiction.. Jay Ward Productions.. Television shows set in Africa.. DreamWorks Classics.. 1960s American animated television series.
Aktuelle Informationen über George of the Jungle wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.