Grandpa's Great Escape is a children's book written by David Walliams and illustrated by Tony Ross. It was released by HarperCollins on 24 September 2015. The story follows a boy called Jack trying to rescue his confused Grandpa from a retirement home, Twilight Towers run by an evil matron, Miss Swine. The book was adapted for BBC One, with the script written by Walliams and Kevin Cecil. It starred Tom Courtenay as Grandpa. Its British television premiere was on New Year's Day 2018.
Author | David Walliams |
Illustrator | Tony Ross |
Publisher | HarperCollins |
Über Grandpa's Great Escape
A grandson elects to help his grandfather, a WWII veteran suffering from Alzheimer's disease, escape from a retirement home run by a woman with ulterior motives.
Grandpa's Great Escape Erfolg
The TV movie is based on a book by David Walliams. The screen adaptation was written by Walliams and Kevin Cecil.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Grandpa's Great Escape nicht wussten
Novels by David Walliams.. British children's novels.
Aktuelle Informationen über Grandpa's Great Escape wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.