Maleficent is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Productions' 16th animated feature film, Sleeping Beauty. She is represented as an evil fairy and the self-proclaimed "Mistress of All Evil" who, after not being invited to a christening, curses the infant Princess Aurora to "prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die" before the sun sets on Aurora's sixteenth birthday. Maleficent is based on the evil fairy godmother character in Charles Perrault's fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, as well as the villainess who appears in the Brothers Grimm's retelling of the story, Little Briar Rose. Maleficent was animated by Marc Davis. She is voiced by Eleanor Audley, who earlier voiced Lady Tremaine, Cinderella's evil stepmother, in Cinderella. When Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959, the film was both a critical and a commercial failure, discouraging the studio from adapting fairy tales into animated films for three decades.
First appearance | Sleeping Beauty (1959) |
Created by | Marc Davis |
Portrayed by | Kristin Bauer van Straten, (Once Upon a Time), Angelina Jolie (adult), (Maleficent & '), Ella Purnell (teenager), Isobelle Molloy (child), (Maleficent), Kristin Chenoweth, (Descendants) |
Voiced by | Eleanor Audley, (Sleeping Beauty), Linda Gary, (Fantasmic! & Disney's Fantillusion), Lois Nettleton, (Disney's House of Mouse), Susanne Blakeslee, (2002-present), Rajia Baroudi, (Disney Infinity) |
Based on | The evil fairy from Charles Perrault's fairy tale |
Species | Fairy |
Affiliation | Disney villains |
Title | Mistress of All Evil, Mistress of Evil, Queen of the Moors |
Über Maleficent
This reimagining of Sleeping Beauty follows a spiteful fairy who puts a curse on a young princess. Maleficent later learns that the princess may be her only hope of restoring the peace.
Maleficent Erfolg
Maleficent's magic changes color based on whether she is good (gold) or evil (green). Angelina Jolie did her own stunts in the film.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Maleficent nicht wussten
Fairy royalty.. Fictional dragons.. Fictional fairies and sprites.. Kingdom Hearts characters.. Fictional queens.. Fictional kidnappers.. Female characters in animation.. Video game bosses.
Aktuelle Informationen über Maleficent wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.