An overlord in the English feudal system was a lord of a manor who had subinfeudated a particular manor, estate or fee, to a tenant. The tenant thenceforth owed to the overlord one of a variety of services, usually military service or serjeanty, depending on which form of tenure the estate was held under. The highest overlord of all, or paramount lord, was the monarch, who due to his ancestor William the Conqueror's personal conquest of the Kingdom of England, owned by inheritance from him all the land in England under allodial title and had no superior overlord, "holding from God and his sword", although certain monarchs, notably King John purported to grant the Kingdom of England to Pope Innocent III, who would thus have become overlord to English monarchs. A paramount lord may then be seen to occupy the apex of the feudal pyramid, or the root of the feudal tree, and such allodial title is also termed "radical title", "ultimate title" and "final title".
Über Overlord
Two American soldiers dropped behind enemy lines during D Day discover secret Nazi experiments.
Overlord Erfolg
The JJ Abrams produced film was initially reported to be the fourth installment in the Cloverfield franchise, though Abrams denied this.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Overlord nicht wussten
Lords of the Manor.. Feudalism in England.
Aktuelle Informationen über Overlord wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.