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United States
22 September, 1995

Über Se7en

Two homicide detectives named David Mills and William Somerset, are on the hunt for a psychotic serial killer who enjoys killing people based on the theme of the seven deadly sins. This film first premiered in September 1995.

Se7en Erfolg

While filming the movie scene where Mills chases John Doe in the rain, actor Brad Pitt fell through a car windshield which made him require surgery for his arm. Due to his injury, his  accident was actually added into the script. This movie grossed over $327,333,559 in box office sale, which made it one of the top 10 highest grossing films of that year.

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Se7en nicht wussten

Seven (1995 film) A 1995 American crime thriller film directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker.. Seven (Korean singer) A South Korean singer, who has also advanced into Japan, China and the United States.. Seven (American singer) An American singer and songwriter, best known for being a member of the girl groups TG4 and...

Aktuelle Informationen über Se7en wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.