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Soul Surfer

8 April, 2011

A soul surfer is a surfer who surfs for the sheer pleasure of surfing. Although they may still enter in competitions, winning is not the soul surfer's main motive, since they scorn the commercialization of surfing. The term denotes a spirituality of surfing. As Brad Melekian put it in a 2005 article in Surfer magazine...

Über Soul Surfer

Based on a true story, a teenage surfer returns to the water after losing her arm in a shark attack.

Soul Surfer Erfolg

The shark that attacked the real Bethany Hamilton was a 14 foot tiger shark. Bethany Hamilton was a stunt double for AnnaSophia Robb and helped in the editing process.

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Soul Surfer nicht wussten

Freeriding - a similar concept for snowboarding.. Surf culture.. Spirituality.

Aktuelle Informationen über Soul Surfer wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.