Spooky Buddies is a 2011 Disney direct-to-DVD comedy film that is part of the Disney Buddies franchise, a series often referred to as the Air Bud and Air Buddies franchise. For the fifth installment in the Air Buddies series, the team has a Halloween adventure in Fernfield. The film was directed by Robert Vince, produced by Anna McRoberts, and released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on Blu-ray, DVD, and as a film download on September 20, 2011.
Direktor | Robert Vince |
Produced by | Anna McRoberts, Robert Vince |
Writer(s) | Anna McRoberts, Robert Vince |
Starring | Harland Williams, Sierra McCormick, Elisa Donovan, Jennifer Elise Cox, Tucker Albrizzi, Dylan Sprayberry |
Music | Brahm Wenger |
Cinematography | Mike Southon |
Edited by | Kelly Herron |
Production, company | Key Pix Productions |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Home Entertainment |
Released | September 20, 2011 |
Running time | 88 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Über Spooky Buddies
Direct-to-DVD Disney film which sees a group of puppies go on an adventure through a haunted mansion.
Spooky Buddies Erfolg
The film is part of the Disney Buddies franchise, also known as the Air Bud and Air Buddies franchise.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Spooky Buddies nicht wussten
Films directed by Robert Vince.. Air Bud (series).. Disney direct-to-video films.. Canadian children's films.. Films about Halloween.. American direct-to-video films.. Canadian comedy films.. American children's films.. Direct-to-video sequel films.. Films about dogs.
Aktuelle Informationen über Spooky Buddies wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.