The Weekend Away is a 2022 American thriller film directed by Kim Farrant from a screenplay by Sarah Alderson, based on Anderson's 2020 novel of the same name. Its story follows a woman named Beth, who travels to Croatia for a weekend getaway with her best friend Kate. However, Kate goes missing and Beth is forced to figure out what happened to her. The film was released on Netflix on March 3, 2022.
Direktor | Kim Farrant |
Produced by | Erica Steinberg, Charlie Morrison, Ben Pugh |
Screenplay by | Sarah Alderson |
Starring | Leighton Meester, Christina Wolfe, Ziad Bakri, Luke Norris, Amar Bukvic, Iva Mihalić, Adrian Pezdirc, Parth Thakerar |
Music | Daniel Wohl |
Cinematography | Noah Greenberg |
Edited by | Sophie Corra |
Production, company | 42 |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | March 03, 2022 |
Running time | 89 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Über The Weekend Away
A woman heads to Croatia to figure out what happened to her friend after she disappeared during a girls trip. The film was directed by Kim Farrant.
The Weekend Away Erfolg
Costume design was led by Camille Adomakoh. Production and set design was helmed by Katja Soltes.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über The Weekend Away nicht wussten
Films set in Croatia.. Films shot in Croatia.. Films based on mystery novels.. Films about vacationing.. Films based on thriller novels.
Aktuelle Informationen über The Weekend Away wurden auf 10. März 2022 hochgeladen.