Your Place or Mine? is an American television game show that ran for six weeks on TLC. It was hosted by Cameron Mathison. The show merges the traditional game show format with makeover reality television series. Each episode featured two families competing to win several completely furnished rooms for their respective homes. Designated locations in each house needing an overhaul are identified prior to the show and shots of both are shown as the "before" images. Although the furnishings were the same regardless of which family wins a room, the two physical rooms were unlikely to be similar, so a designer presumably came up with a layout which would work for each in advance.
Presented by | Cameron Mathison |
Country of origin | United States |
Running time | 48 mins. |
Original network | TLC |
Über Your Place or Mine
Romantic comedy feature that sees a pair of best friends swap places in life for a week. The film was written and directed by Aline Brosh McKenna.
Your Place or Mine Erfolg
Some scenes were filmed on Montague Street in Brooklyn. It was produced by Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine.
Aktuelle Informationen über Your Place or Mine wurden auf 20. Januar 2023 hochgeladen.