Alice - Avril Lavigne image

Alice - Avril Lavigne

Almost Alice
29 January, 2010

Über Alice - Avril Lavigne

Song written and recorded for the soundtrack to the 2010 Disney film Alice in Wonderland. An extended version of the song was published on Avril Lavigne's fourth studio album Goodbye Lullaby as a hidden track.

Alice - Avril Lavigne Erfolg

She asked Disney executives and Alice in Wonderland director Tim Burton if she could write a song for the movie. The music video features Lavigne in the world of the film.

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Alice - Avril Lavigne nicht wussten

Alice in Chains An American rock band from Seattle, formed in 1987 by guitarist and vocalist Jerry Cantrell and.... Alice Springs The third-largest town in the Northern Territory of Australia.. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore A 1974 American comedy drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Robert Getchell.

Aktuelle Informationen über Alice - Avril Lavigne wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.