21 Thunder is a Canadian television drama series which follows star players of an under-21 academy for the fictional Montreal Thunder soccer team in Montreal, Quebec. The series was created by Adrian Wills, Riley Adams, and Kenneth Hirsch in 2016. It features an ensemble cast that includes, among others, RJ Fetherstonhaugh, Colm Feore, Stephanie Bennett, Emmanuel Kabongo, and Conrad Pla. The series aired in Canada on CBC Television beginning July 31, 2017, to generally positive reviews. 21 Thunder was released in all other countries worldwide on March 1, 2018 as a Netflix Original Series by Netflix. It received generally positive international reception.
Genre | Sports, drama |
Created by | Adrian Wills, Kenneth Hirsch, Riley Adams |
Starring | RJ Fetherstonhaugh, Stephanie Bennett, Emmanuel Kabongo, Andres Joseph, Conrad Pla, Ryan Pierce, Clark Backo, Eileen Li, Kyle Mac, Colm Feore, (BASEM) |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 8 |
Location(s) | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Running time | 44 minutes |
Production company(s) | PMA Productions, Generic Productions |
Original network | CBC Television |
Netflix ID | 80215076 |
Über 21 Thunder
Sports drama featuring star players of an under-21 academy for a fictional soccer team called the Montreal Thunder.
21 Thunder Erfolg
Actresses Stephanie Bennett and Eileen Li both previously appeared together on the Freeform series Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über 21 Thunder nicht wussten
Soccer on Canadian television.. Fictional association football television series.. Television shows set in Montreal.. Television series produced in Montreal.
Aktuelle Informationen über 21 Thunder wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.