Black Lightning is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character, created by writer Tony Isabella and artist Trevor Von Eeden, first appeared in Black Lightning #1, during the Bronze Age of Comic Books. While his origin story has been retconned several times, his current origin story states that he was born in the DC Universe as a metahuman, a human being with superhuman abilities. Black Lightning was DC's first African-American superhero with his own series. Black Lightning is originally depicted as a schoolteacher from the crime-ridden Suicide Slum area of Metropolis who acquires electrical superpowers from a technologically advanced power belt that he puts to use to clean up crime in his neighborhood. Over time, Pierce establishes himself as a successful superhero in the DC Universe, and later stories depict him as having "internalized" the belt's powers as a result of his latent metagene.
Publisher | DC Comics |
First appearance | Black Lightning #1 (April 1977) |
Created by | Tony Isabella, Trevor Von Eeden |
Alter ego | Jefferson "Jeff" Pierce |
Species | Metahuman |
Team affiliations | Outsiders, Justice League |
Abilities | Electrokinesis, Energy absorption, Force field generation, Expert martial artist, Olympic-level athlete, Peak physical conditioning, Superhuman Durability |
Über Black Lightning
DC Comics series centering on the titular superhero who exits retirement to become a vigilante for justice.
Black Lightning Erfolg
Fox originally ordered a pilot for production in September of 2016, but wound up passing on the series in February of 2017.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Black Lightning nicht wussten
Characters created by Tony Isabella.. Fictional principals and headteachers.. Fictional characters with electric or magnetic abilities.. DC Comics martial artists.. Fictional schoolteachers.. DC Comics metahumans.. DC Comics titles.
Aktuelle Informationen über Black Lightning wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.