City Homicide is an Australian television drama series that aired on the Seven Network between 27 August 2007 and 30 March 2011. The series was set on the Homicide floor of a metropolitan police headquarters in Melbourne. The main characters were six detectives, who solve the murder cases, and their three superior officers. City Homicide did not return in its regular format in 2011. A six-episode mini-series titled No Greater Honour was shown instead which marked the closing storyline of the series. The mini-series guest-starred Claire Van Der Boom, Marcus Graham, John Howard, and Graeme Blundell.
Created by | John Hugginson, John Banas |
Starring | Shane Bourne, Nadine Garner, John Adam, Daniel MacPherson, Aaron Pedersen, Damien Richardson, Ryan O'Kane, Nadia Townsend, and Noni Hazlehurst |
Country of origin | Australia |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 (including mini-series) |
No. of episodes | 84 |
Executive producer(s) | John Holmes |
Producer(s) | MaryAnne Carroll |
Running time | approx. 45 minutes, (1 hour with ads) |
Production company(s) | Southern Star Group |
Original network | Seven Network |
Picture format | 576i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
Über City Homicide
Australian drama series set in the homicide floor of a metropolitan police headquarters. The series followed the detectives as they investigated murder cases.
City Homicide Erfolg
The series' co-writers John Hugginson and John Banas previously worked on some of Australia's most-watched series including Water Rats and Blue Heelers.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über City Homicide nicht wussten
Television shows set in Melbourne.
Aktuelle Informationen über City Homicide wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.