Dance Moms is an American reality television series that debuted on Lifetime on July 13, 2011. Created by Collins Avenue Productions, the show follows the training and careers of children in dance and show business under the tutelage of Abby Lee Miller as well as the relationships between Miller, the dancers, and their often bickering mothers. Set originally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later in Los Angeles, California, the show is primarily filmed at the Abby Lee Dance Company studios. The show follows the girls on the ALDC Junior Elite Competition Team as they learn their dances and then compete them at dance competitions all across the country.
Genre | Reality |
Starring | Abby Lee Miller, Maddie Ziegler, Mackenzie Ziegler, Melissa Ziegler-Gisoni, Chloe Lukasiak, Christi Lukasiak, Nia Sioux, Holly Frazier, Brooke Hyland, Paige Hyland, Kelly Hyland, Vivi Anne Nesbitt-Stein, Cathy Nesbitt-Stein, Kendall Vertes, Jill Vertes, Payton Ackerman, Leslie Ackerman, Asia Monet Ray, Kristi Ray, Kalani Hilliker, Kira Girard, JoJo Siwa, Jessalynn Siwa, Brynn Rumfallo, Ashlee Allen, Elliana Walmsley, Yolanda Walmsley, Camryn Bridges, Camille Bridges, Maesi Caes, Jamie Caes, Cheryl Burke, Brady Farrar, Tricia Farrar, Hannah Colin, Ann Colin, GiaNina Paolantonio, Joanne Palantonio, Sarah Georgiana, Michelle Georgiana, Pressley Hosbach, Ashley Hosbach, Savannah Kristich, Erin Kristich, Kamryn Smith, Adriana Smith, Paris Moore, Lakisha Samuels |
Theme music composer | We3Kings |
Opening theme | "Living on the Dance Floor" performed by Nikko Lowe |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 8 |
No. of episodes | 224 (including 10 specials) |
Executive producer(s) | Jeff Collins, Bryan Stinson, John R Corella, Kimberly Chessler, Michael Hammond, Robert Caplain, Scott Shatsky, Lindsay Weiglein, Tessa Khalaieff |
Running time | 42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Collins Avenue Entertainment |
Original network | Lifetime |
Picture format | NTSC (480i), HDTV 1080i |
Related shows | Dance Moms: Miami, Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition, Abby's Studio Rescue, Raising Asia, Dance Mums with Jennifer Ellison |
Über Dance Moms
This show follows a demanding dance instructor as she guides children and their mothers along the path of stardom. The instructor, Abby Lee Miller, coaches the young girls as they partake in weekly dance competitions.
Dance Moms Erfolg
The show originally took place in Pittsburgh but later relocated to Los Angeles. The show won the Kids Choice Award for Favorite Reality Show in 2015. It spawned the spin-off Dance Moms: Miami and a sister series titled Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition.
Aktuelle Informationen über Dance Moms wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.