Hellbound image


19 November, 2021

Über Hellbound

Supernatural beings materialize on Earth to deliver a series of prophesies and drag individuals down to the depths of hell. This leads to the establishment of a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice. The series was directed by Yeon Sang-ho.

Hellbound Erfolg

The show is based on Yeon Sang-ho's webtoon of the same name. The pilot premiered at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival. 

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Hellbound nicht wussten

Hellbound: Hellraiser II A 1988 horror film directed by Tony Randel and starring Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence.... Hellbound (film) A 1994 American supernatural thriller film starring Chuck Norris, Calvin Levels and Christopher.... Hellbound (Warlock album) The second studio album by German heavy Metal band Warlock, released in 1985.

Aktuelle Informationen über Hellbound wurden auf 24. November 2021 hochgeladen.