Life with Boys is an American-Canadian teen sitcom that aired in Canada on YTV from September 2011 through August 2013. The show follows Tess Foster as she copes with living in a home with just boys: her widowed father Jack and three brothers Gabe, Spencer, and Sam. With the help of her best friend Allie, she pulls through. Life with Boys is created by Michael Poryes, who also co-created Hannah Montana and Raven's Home. Life with Boys was renewed for a second season. Shooting started on September 4, 2012, in Toronto, Ontario. On February 6, 2013, the series premiered on the American network TeenNick. The show was not renewed for a third season.
Created by | Michael Poryes |
Directed by | Stefan Scaini, Steve Wright |
Starring | Torri Webster, Madison Pettis, Nathan McLeod, Michael Murphy, Jake Goodman, Sandy Jobin-Bevans |
Opening theme | "A Wonderful Life" performed by Katia Zuccarelli |
Composer(s) | Craig McConnell and Justin Forsley |
Country of origin | Canada |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 40 |
Executive producer(s) | Michael Poryes, Helen Lebeau, Jocelyn Hamilton, Tracey Dodokin, Steven Bawol, Steven Peterman, Doug Murphy, Douglas Lieblein (season 2), Colin Bohm (season 2) |
Producer(s) | Jim Corston, Nicholas Rose, (co-executive, season 1), Douglas Lieblein, (co-executive, season 1), Ari Posner (co-executive, season 2), Heather Wordham (co-executive, season 2) |
Editor(s) | Jeff Geisel |
Running time | 22-42 minutes |
Production company(s) | Nelvana |
Original network | YTV |
Picture format | 1080i (16:9 HDTV) |
Über Life with Boys
A young tom boy struggles with growing up in a family full of boys. The show aired for two seasons and ran a total of 40 episodes.
Life with Boys Erfolg
Torri Webster won a Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a TV Series - Leading Young Actress. The series aired in America on TeenNick.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Life with Boys nicht wussten
Television series about twins.. Television series about brothers.. Television shows set in Toronto.. Television series by Nelvana.. Television series produced in Toronto.. Television series about families.
Aktuelle Informationen über Life with Boys wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.