Lipstick Jungle image

Lipstick Jungle

United States
7 February, 2008

Über Lipstick Jungle

Three powerful women, who are also best friends, investigate the insanity that is New York. The stories are based on Candace Bushnell's novel of the same name.

Lipstick Jungle Erfolg

The show lasted two seasons and ended in February 2009. It has also been broadcast in over 40 countries. 

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Lipstick Jungle nicht wussten

Lipstick Jungle (TV series) An American comedy-drama television series created by DeAnn Heline and Eileen Heisler for NBC.... Lipstick Jungle (novel) A novel written by New York writer and socialite Candace Bushnell, that weaves the stories of...

Aktuelle Informationen über Lipstick Jungle wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.