Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated television series created by Oleg Kuzovkov and produced by Animaccord Animation Studio, loosely based on the oral children's folk story of the same name. The show focuses on the adventures of a little girl named Masha and her caring friend, the bear that always keeps her safe from disasters. The first episode was released in 2009. The series has been translated into 42 languages and was broadcast almost in every part of the world by such media giants as Turner, NBCUniversal, Netflix, Sony Pictures, Google, Viacom, Univision, Rai, France TV, KIKA, SBT, and etc. Many of the episodes have been successful on YouTube. In particular, the Russian-language version of the episode "Маша плюс каша" has more than 4.3 billion views as of June 2020, making it the site's fifth most viewed video of all time, and the most viewed video on YouTube that is not a music video. The show consists of five seasons.
Genre | Adventure, Comedy |
Created by | Oleg Kuzovkov |
Screenplay by | Oleg Kuzovkov, Oleg Užinov, Natalya Rumiantseva, Denis Chervyatsov, Nikolai Kuzovkov, Joe Ksander, Kevin R. Adams, Ernest Kataev, Greg Nix, Marina Sycheva, Alex Budovsky, Hunter Cope, Aleksey Karanovich, Aleksandr Filyurin, Vadim Golovanov, Ekaterina Kozhushanaya |
Directed by | Denis Chervyatsov, Oleg Kuzovkov, Oleg Uzhinov, Marina Nefedova, Olga Baulina, Roman Kozich, Georgiy Orlov, Vladislav Bayramgulov, Natalya Malgina, Andrey Belyaev, Ilya Trusov, Vasily Bogatyrev |
Voices of | Yulia Zunikova (Masha), Alina Kukushkina (Dasha), Boris Kutnevich & Irina Kukushkina (Bear), Mark Kutnevich (Panda & Rabbit), Eduard Nazarov (Santa Claus) |
Music by | Vasily Bogatyrev |
Opening theme | original theme |
Country of origin | Russian |
Original language(s) | Russian, English, Indonesian, Portugis, And more... |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 88 |
Producer(s) | Andrey Dobrunov, Oleg Kuzovkov, Dmitrij Lovejko, Marina Ratina, Maria Demina, Sergey Martynov |
Running time | 7-8 minutes |
Production company(s) | Animaccord Animation Studio |
Distributor | Animaccord Animation Studio |
Original network | Russia-1 (2011–2018), Russia-K (2014–present) |
Netflix ID | 70286901 |
Über Masha and the Bear
Loosely based on the oral children's folk story of the same name, the show centered on a young girl named Masha and her father bear that always kept her from disasters.
Masha and the Bear Erfolg
The series quickly became a hit and was the most-successful 21st-century animated series of Russian origin. It would be translated into 25 languages and was broadcast in 100 countries. It aired on Netflix and NBCUniversal.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Masha and the Bear nicht wussten
2010s Russian television series.. 2000s Russian television series.
Aktuelle Informationen über Masha and the Bear wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.