Million Dollar Listing New York is a two-time Emmy nominated American reality television series on Bravo. The series premiered on March 7, 2012 and follows the lives of four luxury real estate agents, Ryan Serhant, Fredrik Eklund, Luis Ortiz, Tyler Whitman and Steve Gold as they represent property owners in New York's five boroughs. It is a spin-off of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.
Genre | Reality |
Starring | Fredrik Eklund, Michael Lorber, Ryan Serhant, Luis D. Ortiz, Steve Gold, Tyler Whitman |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 9 |
No. of episodes | 102 |
Executive producer(s) | Danielle King, Fenton Bailey, Megan Estrada, Randy Barbato |
Running time | 41–43 minutes |
Production company(s) | World of Wonder |
Original network | Bravo |
Related shows | Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles, Million Dollar Listing Miami, Million Dollar Listing San Francisco |
Über Million Dollar Listing New York
Emmy-nominated reality series about real estate agents selling properties in NYC.
Million Dollar Listing New York Erfolg
Spinoff Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles premiered March 2012. In 2016, they did a four episode series on host Ryan's Wedding.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Million Dollar Listing New York nicht wussten
Reality television spin-offs.
Aktuelle Informationen über Million Dollar Listing New York wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.