New Girl is an American television sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether and produced by 20th Television for the Fox Broadcasting Company that originally aired between 2011 and 2018. The series revolves around a quirky teacher, Jess, after she moves into a Los Angeles loft with three men, Nick, Schmidt, and Winston; their former roommate Coach and Jess' best friend Cece are also part of the series. The show combines comedy and drama elements as the characters, who are in their early thirties, deal with relationship issues and career choices. New Girl is a joint production between Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures and 20th Century Fox Television and is syndicated by 20th Television. Produced in Los Angeles as a single-camera comedy, New Girl is an ensemble show aimed at a general audience. Most episodes are anchored around Jess, who, according to series creator Meriwether, would have played a side character on other shows.
Genre | Sitcom |
Created by | Elizabeth Meriwether |
Starring | Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, Damon Wayans Jr, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simone, Danielle Rockoff, Rhiannon Rockoff |
Theme music composer | Michael Andrews, Zooey Deschanel, Elizabeth Meriwether, Dave Finkel, Brett Baer |
Opening theme | "Hey Girl" by Zooey Deschanel (seasons 1–4), "Hey Girl" (instrumental) (season 4–7) |
Composer(s) | Ludwig Göransson |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 146 |
Executive producer(s) | Elizabeth Meriwether, Jake Kasdan, Peter Chernin, Katherine Pope, Dave Finkel, Brett Baer |
Producer(s) | Zooey Deschanel, Erin O'Malley, Pavun Shetty, Luvh Rakhe, Dana Fox, David Iserson, Ryan Koh, Megan Mascena Gaspar, Rachel Axler, Alex Cuthbertson |
Camera setup | Film, Single-camera |
Running time | 21–24 minutes |
Production company(s) | Meriwether Productions (episodes 1–3), Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures (episodes 4–146), American Nitwits, Chernin Entertainment, 20th Century Fox Television |
Distributor | 20th Television |
Original network | Fox |
Picture format | 720p (16:9 HDTV), 1080i (syndication) |
Netflix ID | 70196145 |
Über New Girl
After a break-up, a quirky young woman moves into an apartment with three single men. Elizabeth Meriwether created the show.
New Girl Erfolg
The series was originally called Chicks & Dicks. It was nominated for its first five Emmy Awards in 2012.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über New Girl nicht wussten
New Girl Category.. Television shows filmed in Los Angeles.. Television series by 20th Century Fox Television.
Aktuelle Informationen über New Girl wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.