Quints by Surprise is a reality television show produced in the United States by Megalomedia about the Jones family, consisting of parents Ethan and Casey and their six children, including quintuplets. The show follows the family through their daily lives, focusing on the challenges of raising multiple children. The show premiered on TLC on August 30, 2010. The family originally appeared in two one-hour specials titled Too Many Babies? and Too Many Babies: How They Do It on Discovery Health, which were later re-aired on TLC under the names Quintuplet Surprise and Quintuplet Surprise: The First 16 Months. The third season premiered on November 8, 2011.
Created by | Jeff Keels, Tom Mireles, Jonathan Nowzaradan |
Directed by | Jeff Keels, Tom Mireles |
Starring | The Jones family |
Composer(s) | David Hamburger |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 3 |
No. of episodes | 22 |
Executive producer(s) | Jeff Keels, Tom Mireles, Jonathan Nowzaradan, Alon Orstein, Wendy Douglas |
Location(s) | Austin, Texas, United States |
Editor(s) | Louisiana Kreutz, Julian Londoño, Ian Prikryl |
Running time | 23 minutes |
Production company(s) | Megalomedia |
Original network | TLC |
Related shows | Kate Plus 8, Table for 12 |
Über Quints by Surprise
Also known as Quintuplet Surprise, the reality series followed the Jones family through their daily lives and the challenges of raising multiple children.
Quints by Surprise Erfolg
The Jones family originally appeared in one-hour specials titled Too Many Babies? and Too Many Babies: How They Do It on Discovery Health.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Quints by Surprise nicht wussten
Television shows set in Texas.. Television series about families.
Aktuelle Informationen über Quints by Surprise wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.