Shining Girls is an American thriller streaming television series based on the 2013 novel The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. The series stars Elisabeth Moss, Wagner Moura and Jamie Bell. It premiered on Apple TV+ on April 29, 2022. A portion of the series premiered at South by Southwest on March 11, 2022.
Genre | Thriller |
Created by | Silka Luisa |
Written by | Silka Luisa |
Starring | Elisabeth Moss, Wagner Moura, Jamie Bell, Phillipa Soo |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 3 |
Executive producer(s) | Elisabeth Moss, Silka Luisa, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lindsey McManus, Jennifer Davisson, Lauren Beukes, Alan Page Arriaga, Michelle MacLaren, Rebecca Hobbs, Daina Reid |
Production company(s) | Love & Squalor Pictures, Michelle MacLaren Entertainment, Appian Way Productions, MRC Television |
Distributor | Apple Inc. |
Original network | Apple TV+ |
Über Shining Girls
After surviving a brutal attack, a woman learns that a recent murder is linked to her assault. She strikes up an alliance with a veteran reporter to understand her ever-changing present and confront her past.
Shining Girls Erfolg
The series is adapted from South African author, Lauren Beukes' 2013 novel of the same name.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Shining Girls nicht wussten
Television series by Media Rights Capital.
Aktuelle Informationen über Shining Girls wurden auf 05. Kann 2022 hochgeladen.