The Beaker Girls is a British children's television series that premiered on CBBC and BBC iPlayer on 13 December 2021. The series follows on from the events of its predecessors, The Story of Tracy Beaker, Tracy Beaker Returns, The Dumping Ground and My Mum Tracy Beaker. It sees Dani Harmer reprise her role as Tracy Beaker and Emma Maggie Davies return as her daughter Jess. Lisa Coleman and Montanna Thompson also returned, as well as several cast members from My Mum Tracy Beaker. In August 2022, Dani Harmer posted on her Instagram that filming for the second series had ffinished. The BBC confirmed that Series 2 would be the final series of the The Beaker Girls and My Mum Tracy Beaker trilogy, at least for now. It began airing on 13 January 2023.
Genre | Children's drama, Comedy drama |
Written by | Emma Reeves |
Starring | Dani Harmer, Emma Maggie Davies, Chi-Megan Ennis-McLean, Lisa Coleman, Danielle Henry, Wim Snape |
Music by | Kevin Sargent |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 2 |
No. of episodes | 19 |
Running time | 30 minutes (series 1), 20—26 minutes (series 2) |
Production company(s) | BBC Studios Kids & Family Productions |
Distributor | BBC Studios |
Original network | CBBC |
Preceded by | The Story of Tracy Beaker, Tracy Beaker Returns, The Dumping Ground (franchise), My Mum Tracy Beaker (chronologically) |
Über The Beaker Girls
English children's series that follows the adventures of Jess and Tracy Beaker. They spend their days seaside but their lives change when a teenage runaway shows up. The series was written for TV by Emma Reeves.
The Beaker Girls Erfolg
The series ran for a total of 19 episodes over the course of its two season run. It is based on Jacqueline Wilson's We Are The Beaker Girls.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über The Beaker Girls nicht wussten
The Story of Tracy Beaker.. Tracy Beaker series.
Aktuelle Informationen über The Beaker Girls wurden auf 02. März 2023 hochgeladen.