The Bold Type is an American comedy-drama television series created by Sarah Watson and produced by Universal Television for Freeform. It is inspired by the life and career of former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine Joanna Coles, who is executive producer of the series. Filmed in Toronto, Montreal, and New York City, the series chronicles the lives of three millennial women, portrayed by Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, and Meghann Fahy, all of whom are employed at a fictional global publication called Scarlet in New York City. While the pilot episode was aired in a special preview on June 20, 2017, the series officially premiered on Freeform on July 11, commencing a first season consisting of 10 episodes. After receiving a two-season renewal, the series premiered its second and third seasons in June 2018 and April 2019, respectively. The fourth season premiered on January 23, 2020, cut from 18 to 16 episodes on shutdown of production due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Genre | Comedy-drama |
Created by | Sarah Watson |
Starring | Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, Meghann Fahy, Sam Page, Matt Ward, Melora Hardin, Stephen Conrad Moore, Nikohl Boosheri |
Composer(s) | Lyle Workman |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 5 |
No. of episodes | 52 |
Executive producer(s) | Sarah Watson, David Bernad, Joanna Coles, Ruben Fleischer, Holly Whidden, Amanda Lasher, Victor Nelli Jr, Sandrine Gros d'Aillon, Brian Madden, Matt McGuinness, Wendy Straker Hauser |
Location(s) | Toronto, Canada, Montreal, Canada, New York City, United States |
Cinematography | Cynthia Pusheck, Theo van de Sande, John C. Newby, Robert Mattigetz |
Editor(s) | Katherine Skjerping, Ivan Victor, Larry McGinley, Loretta Ball, Stephen Philipson, Robert Lattanzio, Phil McLaughlin, Kimberly Ettinger |
Running time | 41–45 minutes |
Production company(s) | The District, Sarah Watson Productions, Universal Television |
Original network | Freeform |
Picture format | 720p (HDTV) |
Über The Bold Type
This show follows a group of young women who work for a global women's magazine. The show is based on the life of former Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Joanna Coles.
The Bold Type Erfolg
Ruben Fleischer has served as an executive producer of the show. Stephen Conrad Moore has guest starred on the series.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über The Bold Type nicht wussten
Television series about cancer.. Works about magazine publishing.. Bisexuality-related television series.. Fashion-themed television series.. Television series produced in Montreal.. Television series based on actual events.
Aktuelle Informationen über The Bold Type wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.