The Mickey Mouse Club is an American variety television show that aired intermittently from 1955 to 1996 and returned to social media in 2017. Created by the late Walt Disney and produced by Walt Disney Productions, the program was first televised for four seasons, from 1955 to 1959, by ABC. This original run featured a regular, but ever-changing cast of mostly teen performers. ABC broadcast reruns weekday afternoons during the 1958–1959 season, airing right after American Bandstand. The show was revived three times after its initial 1955–1959 run on ABC, first from 1977 to 1979 for first-run syndication as The New Mickey Mouse Club, then from 1989 to 1996 as The All-New Mickey Mouse Club airing exclusively on cable television's The Disney Channel, and again in 2017 with the moniker Club Mickey Mouse airing exclusively on internet social media. It ended in 2018.
Created by | Walt Disney, Hal Adelquist |
Presented by | Jimmie Dodd (1955–1958), Roy Williams (1955–1958), Fred Newman (1989 revival, seasons 1–6), Mowava Pryor (1989 revival, seasons 1–3), Terri Eoff/Misner (1989 revival, seasons 4–6) |
Theme music composer | Jimmie Dodd |
Country of origin | United States |
No. of seasons | 14 |
No. of episodes | 620 |
Producer(s) | Bill Walsh (1955–1959) |
Running time | 22–44 minutes |
Production company(s) | Walt Disney Productions |
Distributor | Buena Vista Distribution Co, (1966–1967), SFM Media Service Corporation, (1977–1979), Buena Vista Television (Disney Channel series) |
Original network | ABC (1955–1959), Syndication (1977–1979), The Disney Channel (1989–1996) |
Über The Mickey Mouse Club
Variety series that aired intermittently from 1955 to 1996, including a run in the US on Disney Channel and on Family Channel in Canada from 1989-1996. It returned in 2017 as a web series called Club Mickey Mouse.
The Mickey Mouse Club Erfolg
Walt Disney voiced Mickey Mouse in both the vintage cartoons and new animated segments created for the show. It was hosted by Jimmie Dodd, Roy Williams and Bob Amsberry for the original run. Fred Newman, Mowava Pryor and Terri Misner Eoff were hosts during the Disney and Family channel days.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über The Mickey Mouse Club nicht wussten
The Mickey Mouse Club Category.. Disney Club, the name of many television shows associated to Disney productions aired mostly in Europe.. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a show for preschool-age children with a very different format.. Donald Duck television series.. Mickey Mouse television series.. Mouseketeers.. Television series by Disney.. American child singers.
Aktuelle Informationen über The Mickey Mouse Club wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.