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Rachel & Jun


Über Rachel & Jun

Channel of a Japanese/American married couple whose content regards Japanese culture and lifestyle. Some of the videos include "What's overweight in Japan?" and "Culture Shock | Japan & Korea differences."

Rachel & Jun Erfolg

The channel's original username was MyHusbandisJapanese. The channel reached 1 million subscribers in July of 2017 and it now has over 2.6 million subscribers. 

Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Rachel & Jun nicht wussten

Rachel A Biblical figure, the favorite of Jacob's two wives, and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.... Rachel Green A fictional character, one of the six main characters who appeared in the American sitcom Friends.. My Cousin Rachel A novel by British author Daphne du Maurier, published in 1951.

Aktuelle Informationen über Rachel & Jun wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.