Day 5 is an American post-apocalyptic drama web series created by Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, Josh Flanagan, and Chris Demarais. It premiered on Rooster Teeth's website on June 19, 2016. New episodes premiered exclusively on Rooster Teeth site via their paid sponsorship program, FIRST. Announced March 11, 2016, it was noted for being a dramatic departure from Rooster Teeth's typically comedic productions. The series follows a junkie, Jake, who emerges after a drug binge only to learn that most of humanity has died after falling asleep. Jake and a small group of survivors search for the cause of the mysterious "sleep epidemic."
Genre | Post-Apocalyptic, Drama, Thriller |
Created by | Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, Josh Flanagan, Chris Demarais |
Starring | Jesse C. Boyd, Walker Satterwhite, Stephanie Drapeau, Davi Jay |
Music by | Graham Reynolds |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 14 |
Executive producer(s) | Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum |
Producer(s) | Ezra Venetos, Doreen Copeland |
Location(s) | Austin, Texas |
Running time | 40–49 minutes |
Distributor | Rooster Teeth |
Original network | Rooster Teeth |
Über Day 5
A junkie emerges from a drug binge to find out that most of humanity died after falling asleep in this post-apocalyptic drama series. The junkie, Jake, and a group of survivors search for the cause of the "sleep epidemic."
Day 5 Erfolg
Rooster Teeth's own Burnie Burns and Matt Hullum served as co-creators and executive producers. It was notable for being a departure from Rooster Teeth's typically comedic programs.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Day 5 nicht wussten
Rooster Teeth.
Aktuelle Informationen über Day 5 wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.