Helluva Boss is an American adult animated web series created by Vivienne "VivziePop" Medrano. The show features a different cast of characters and a different storyline than Hazbin Hotel, another show created by Medrano, despite taking place within the same universe. As Medrano described it, while both shows share the same setting, Hazbin Hotel is about redemption and consequences, while Helluva Boss follows "characters and societies that already exist in Hell", with the main focus being on interpersonal relationships between characters. The pilot was released on November 25, 2019, while the first episode of the first season, produced by SpindleHorse Toons, was released on October 31, 2020. The first season was released exclusively to Medrano's YouTube channel, as she has done for other animations. On November 13, 2021 a second season was confirmed to be in production.
Genre | Musical, Black comedy |
Created by | Vivienne Medrano |
Written by | Vivienne Medrano, Brandon Rogers |
Directed by | Vivienne Medrano |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 1 |
No. of episodes | 8 (including pilot) |
Executive producer(s) | Timothy Cubbison |
Producer(s) | Vivienne Medrano, Austin Snyder |
Editor(s) | Vivienne Medrano, Nico Colaleo (pilot) |
Running time | 11-22 minutes |
Production company(s) | SpindleHorse Toons |
Original network | YouTube |
First shown in | November 25, 2019 |
Related shows | Hazbin Hotel, ZooPhobia |
Über Helluva Boss
Animated adult web series serving as a spinoff of and sister show of the Hazbin Hotel franchise. The two shows take place in the same universe with Helluva Boss being about an imp who sets out to start his own killing business amidst a competitive market.
Helluva Boss Erfolg
The production is SAG-AFTRA certified meaning that they can book Hollywood talent for voice roles.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über Helluva Boss nicht wussten
Adultery in television.. Hell in popular culture.. Demons in television.. American television pilots.
Aktuelle Informationen über Helluva Boss wurden auf 03. Dezember 2021 hochgeladen.