Permanent Roommates is an Indian romantic comedy web series produced by The Viral Fever Media Labs. It was created by Arunabh Kumar, the founder of TVF, who also worked as the executive producer of the series. Written and developed by Biswapati Sarkar along with Sameer Saxena, the series is directed by Saxena and Deepak Kumar Mishra. Starring Sumeet Vyas and Nidhi Singh, this series revolves around a young couple, Tanya and Mikesh, who after being in a long distance relationship for three years, face the prospect of marriage. Permanent Roommates marked India's first web series to be released. The first season consisting of five episodes, had its premiere on YouTube on 31 October 2014 and ended on 12 December 2014. After the reception of the first season, the makers renewed a second season for the series, which eventually was broadcast on The Viral Fever's premium online video streaming medium, TVF Play, on 14 February 2016 and ended on 24 June 2016.
Genre | Comedy, Romance |
Created by | Arunabh Kumar |
Developed by | Biswapati Sarkar, Sameer Saxena |
Written by | Biswapati Sarkar |
Directed by | Sameer Saxena, Deepak Kumar Mishra |
Starring | Sumeet Vyas, Nidhi Singh, Deepak Kumar Mishra |
Composer(s) | Vaibhav Bundhoo |
Country of origin | India |
Original language(s) | Hindi |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 12 |
Executive producer(s) | Arun Kumar |
Cinematography | Vaibhav Bundhoo |
Editor(s) | Ashutosh Matela, Prashant Panda |
Running time | 30-60 minutes |
Production company(s) | The Viral Fever |
Original network | TVF Play, YouTube |
Über Permanent Roommates
Romance and comedy about a young couple who face the prospect of marriage after spending three years in a long distance relationship.
Permanent Roommates Erfolg
The series helped The Viral Fever (TVF) become the pioneer of web-series in India along with the show Pitchers.
Aktuelle Informationen über Permanent Roommates wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.