RWBY is an American anime-influenced adult computer-animated web series created by Monty Oum for Rooster Teeth. It is set in the fictional world of Remnant, where young people train to become warriors to protect their world from monsters called Grimm. The name RWBY is derived from the four main characters' forenames: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, and their respective theme colors. Following several promotional trailers, the first episode was screened at the Rooster Teeth convention event RTX and then released on their website in July 2013. Subsequent episodes were released approximately weekly, first to Rooster Teeth's subscribers and then to YouTube a week later. The series became a viral hit, and a second season, subtitled Volume 2, was released in July 2014. Oum died in 2015, during production of the third season for the series. This resulted in a delay in the production, as well as an overall shift in the series production and release schedule.
Genre | Science fantasy, Action, Adventure |
Created by | Monty Oum |
Written by | Miles Luna, Kerry Shawcross, Monty Oum (V1–3), Kiersi Burkhart (V7–), Eddy Rivas (V7–) |
Directed by | Monty Oum (V1–2), Kerry Shawcross (V3–), Connor Pickens (V7–), Paula Decanini (V7–), Dustin Matthews (V7–) |
Voices of | Lindsay Jones, Kara Eberle, Arryn Zech, Barbara Dunkelman |
Theme music composer | Jeff Williams |
Opening theme | "This Will Be the Day" (V1), "Time to Say Goodbye" (V2), "When It Falls" (V3), "Let's Just Live" (V4), "The Triumph" (V5), "Rising" (V6), "Trust Love" (V7), "For Every Life" (V8) |
Composer(s) | Jeff Williams, Alex Abraham (V2, 6–), Steve Goldshein (V2) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 8 |
No. of episodes | 106 |
Executive producer(s) | Matt Hullum, Burnie Burns, Kerry Shawcross (V6–) |
Producer(s) | Gray G. Haddock (V2), Koen Wooten (V3–4) |
Production company(s) | Rooster Teeth Animation |
Distributor | Otter Media, Warner Bros. Japan (Japan) |
Original network | Rooster Teeth, YouTube (V1–7), VRV, Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video |
Anime-style series and franchise created by Monty Oum where young people train to become Huntsmen and Huntresses in order to protect their fictional world of Remnant from the creatures of Grimm.
RWBY Erfolg
The name of the series is derived from the four protagonists' forenames of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. It has won multiple Streamy Awards and was named Best Animated Series by the International Academy of Web Television in 2014.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über RWBY nicht wussten
RWBY Category.. Schools in fiction.. Works based on Grimms' Fairy Tales.. Rooster Teeth.. Streamy Award-winning channels, series or shows.. Shueisha manga.
Aktuelle Informationen über RWBY wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.