The Apprentice is a British business-styled reality game show, created by Mark Burnett, distributed by FremantleMedia and broadcast by the BBC. Based upon the American original of the same name and billed as the "job interview from hell", the programme focuses on a group of aspiring businesspeople competing against each other in a series of business related challenges, in order to win a prize offered by British business magnate Lord Sugar. Produced by a number of companies over the course of the show's history, including Talkback Thames and United Artists Media Group, each series consists of around twelve episodes, and are aired either around Spring, or delayed; the first two were aired on BBC Two, before the programme's success led the BBC to move the show to BBC One from 2007.
Genre | Reality game show |
Created by | Mark Burnett |
Starring | Lord Sugar, Nick Hewer (2005–2014), Margaret Mountford (2005–2009), Karren Brady (2010–present), Claude Littner (2015–present) |
Narrated by | Mark Halliley |
Theme music composer | Dru Masters |
Opening theme | "Dance of the Knights" by Prokofiev |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of series | 13 |
No. of episodes | 156 |
Running time | 60 minutes |
Production company(s) | Talkback (2005), Talkback Thames (2006–11), Boundless (2012–), Mark Burnett Productions (2006–13), United Artists Media Group (2014–16), MGM Television (2017-) |
Distributor | FremantleMedia |
Original network | BBC Two (2005–06), BBC One (2007–) |
Picture format | 16:9 (1080i HDTV) |
Related shows | The Apprentice (US version), The Apprentice (Irish version), The Apprentice: You're Fired, Young Apprentice |
Über The Apprentice (UK)
Aspiring business people compete against each other in business-related challenges to win a prize offered by Alan Sugar. It aired on BBC Two in 2005-2006 and moved to BBC One in 2007.
The Apprentice (UK) Erfolg
Before Sugar was settled on as host, Philip Green, Felix Dennis and Michael O'Leary were all offered the position, but turned it down.
Das Wissenswertes, das Sie über The Apprentice (UK) nicht wussten
The Apprentice (UK TV series) Category.. BAFTA winners (television series).. Television series produced at Pinewood Studios.. Television shows set in London.
Aktuelle Informationen über The Apprentice (UK) wurden auf 28. Juli 2021 hochgeladen.