Sakura Gakuin is a Japanese idol girl group formed in 2010 by the Amuse talent agency. The group's membership falls within the age range of Japanese compulsory education, typically containing between 10 and 12 members at a time who fall between the ages of 10 and 15. With the theme of school life and extracurricular club activities, when the academic year ends at the end of March, the group releases an annual studio album, new members "transfer in" to the group, and others who finish compulsory education "graduate", or leave. Members of the group also belong to one or more of its sub-units, which are modeled after school extracurricular clubs. Each club performs with its own theme and musical genre, and their music may be included in the main group's albums or released as a separate single. The group will disband in August 2021.
Native name | さくら学院 |
Origin | Japan |
Genres | J-pop, Japanese idol |
Years active | 2010–present |
Labels | Toy's Factory (2010–2011), Universal Music Japan (2011–2015) Sub-units, LD&K, Toy's Factory |
Associated acts | Babymetal, Karen Girl's, @onefive |
Members | Miku Tanaka, Miki Yagi, Kokona Nonaka, Yume Nozaki, Sana Shiratori, Sakia Kimura, Neo Satō, Miko Todaka |
Past members | See list of past members |
Acerca de Sakura Gakuin
Girl group formed by Amuse that maintains 10 to 12 people within the ages of 10 to 15. Following the form of an education system, people enter and graudate from the group around April.
Los logros de Sakura Gakuin
In English, their name translates roughly to Cherry Blossom Academy.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Sakura Gakuin
Sakura Gakuin Category.. Fictional schools.. Child musical groups.. Universal Music Japan artists.. Japanese-language singers.. Japanese girl groups.. Japanese idol groups.. Musical groups from Tokyo.. Japanese pop music groups.. All-female bands.
Información más reciente sobre Sakura Gakuin actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.