Zay & Zayvion image

Zay & Zayvion

Detroit, Michigan, United States
Hip Hop

Acerca de Zay & Zayvion

Duo that found viral acclaim with the track "Juju On That Beat." The music video to the song surpassed 200 million views on YouTube in 2017.

Los logros de Zay & Zayvion

They have more than 1.4 million subscribers on their Zay Hilfiger YouTube account. 

Principales datos que no sabías sobre Zay & Zayvion

Zay language An Afroasiatic language of the Semitic branch spoken in Ethiopia.. Zay people A small ethnic group of about 5,000 people in Ethiopia. They are also known as the Laki.. Zay River A river in Tatarstan, Russian Federation, a left-bank tributary of the Kama River.. Zay (name) Meanings See related meanings for the phrase 'Zay (name)'.

Información más reciente sobre Zay & Zayvion actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.