Addams Family Reunion is a 1998 American comedy horror film based on the characters from the cartoon created by cartoonist Charles Addams. Directed by Dave Payne, the film was intended to serve as a pilot for a new proposed television series produced by Saban. The film stars Daryl Hannah and Tim Curry as Morticia and Gomez Addams respectively while Carel Struycken and Christopher Hart's hand are the only ones to reprise their roles from the last two films. The film's plot focused on the eccentric, macabre aristocratic Addams family mistakenly arriving at the wrong family reunion and encountering a man who seeks to commit murder in order to inherit a fortune. Payne had intended to give the film a dark, edgy tone, but Saban had interfered with the development, insisting that the story be aimed solely at entertaining children, and lack much of the black comedy and satire of the previous films.
Director | Dave Payne |
Produced by | Mike Elliott |
Writer(s) | Rob Kerchner, Scott Sandin |
Based on | The Addams Family by Charles Addams |
Starring | Daryl Hannah, Tim Curry |
Music | Amotz Plessner |
Cinematography | Christian Sebaldt |
Edited by | J. J. Jackson |
Production, company | Saban Entertainment |
Distributed by | Warner Home Video |
Released | September 22, 1998 |
Running time | 91 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Acerca de Addams Family Reunion
Direct-to-video comedy film that sees the Addams Family attend a family reunion with the ultra-conservative Adams family clan. The film was directed by Dave Payne.
Los logros de Addams Family Reunion
Filming took place in Los Angeles, California over a 30 day schedule. Tim Curry replaced the late Raul Julia as Gomez Addams.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Addams Family Reunion
The Addams Family films.. 1990s supernatural films.. Saban Entertainment films.. Warner Bros. direct-to-video films.. 1990s comedy horror films.. 1990s black comedy films.. Films about psychiatry.. Films about nuclear war and weapons.. American children's films.
Información más reciente sobre Addams Family Reunion actualizada el 08 de Diciembre, 2022.