Christmas Inheritance is a 2017 American Christmas comedy-drama film directed by Ernie Barbarash and written by Dinah Eng. The film stars Eliza Taylor, Jake Lacy and Andie MacDowell. The film was released on Netflix on December 15, 2017. The film features Taylor as a spoiled New York City heiress sent to a small New England town with limited resources to test if she's ready to take over her father's company. When circumstances strand her, her experiences with the townspeople gives her a new perspective on life and her privilege, while also leading to romance with the local inn manager.
Director | Ernie Barbarash |
Produced by | David Anselmo |
Writer(s) | Dinah Eng |
Starring | Eliza Taylor, Jake Lacy, Andie MacDowell, Michael Xavier |
Music | Terry Frewer |
Cinematography | Peter Benison |
Edited by | Gordon McClellan |
Production, company | MPCA |
Distributed by | Netflix |
Released | December 15, 2017 |
Running time | 104 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Netflix ID | 80177441 |
Acerca de Christmas Inheritance
In order to inherit her father's gift business, an ambitious heiress must deliver a special Christmas card to her dad's former partner to the hometown she never knew. When a snowstorm strands her at an inn in town, she is finds romance and discovers what Christmas is all about.
Los logros de Christmas Inheritance
The Netflix original movie is directed by Ernie Barbarash. It was filmed in North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Christmas Inheritance
Christmas television films.. American Christmas films.
Información más reciente sobre Christmas Inheritance actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.