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Gemini Man

11 October, 2019

Acerca de Gemini Man

Ang Lee-directed film in which an aging hitman comes face-to-face with a younger clone of himself. Game of Thrones creator David Benioff co-wrote the screenplay with Billy Ray and Darren Lemke.

Los logros de Gemini Man

The movie was originally conceived in 1997 and went through development hell for the better part of two decades. Newer technology was implemented to create a younger version of star Will Smith.

Principales datos que no sabías sobre Gemini Man

Gemini Man (film) A 2019 American action thriller film directed by Ang Lee and written by David Benioff, Billy Ray.... Gemini Man (TV series) An American action-adventure drama series that aired on NBC in 1976.

Información más reciente sobre Gemini Man actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.