Ice Princess is a 2005 American teen sports comedy-drama film directed by Tim Fywell, written by Hadley Davis from a story by Meg Cabot and Davis, and starring Michelle Trachtenberg, Joan Cusack, Kim Cattrall and Hayden Panettiere. The film focuses on Casey Carlyle, a normal teenager who gives up a promising future academic life in order to pursue her new-found dream of being a professional figure skater. The film was released on March 18, 2005. Ice Princess had an unsuccessful performance at the box office, grossing $24 million in the United States during its theatrical run against a production budget of $25 million.
Director | Tim Fywell |
Produced by | Bridget Johnson |
Screenplay by | Hadley Davis |
Story by | Meg Cabot, Hadley Davis |
Starring | Joan Cusack, Kim Cattrall, Michelle Trachtenberg, Hayden Panettiere |
Music | Christophe Beck |
Cinematography | David Hennings |
Edited by | Janice Hampton |
Production, company | Walt Disney Pictures, Bridget Johnson Films, On The Ice Productions |
Distributed by | Buena Vista Pictures |
Released | March 18, 2005 |
Running time | 97 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $25 million |
Box office | $27.6 million |
Netflix ID | 70020941 |
Official Website | |
Acerca de Ice Princess
Casey Carlyle has the grades to get into her mother's alma matter Harvard University. While she doesn't want to let her mother down as a legacy her true passion lies in figure skating. The film was directed by Tim Fywell.
Los logros de Ice Princess
Filming took place at George Bell Arena, Western Technical-Commercial School, Christie Mansion and De La Salle College in Toronto Canada.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Ice Princess
Films directed by Tim Fywell.. Figure skating films.. Teen sports films.. Disney film soundtracks.. Films about women's sports.. Walt Disney Pictures films.. Films shot in Toronto.
Información más reciente sobre Ice Princess actualizada el 04 de Enero, 2022.