Kubo and the Two Strings is a 2016 American stop-motion animated action fantasy film directed by Travis Knight and produced by animation studio Laika. It stars Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, George Takei, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Brenda Vaccaro, Rooney Mara, and Matthew McConaughey. The film revolves around Kubo, a young boy who wields a magical shamisen and whose left eye was stolen during infancy. Accompanied by an anthropomorphic snow monkey and beetle, he must subdue his mother's corrupted Sisters and his power-hungry grandfather, Raiden the Moon King, who is responsible for stealing his left eye. Kubo premiered at Melbourne International Film Festival and was released by Focus Features in the United States on August 19 to critical acclaim, but was considered a box office failure, grossing $77 million worldwide against a budget of $60 million.
Director | Travis Knight |
Produced by | Arianne Sutner, Travis Knight |
Screenplay by | Marc Haimes, Chris Butler |
Story by | Shannon Tindle, Marc Haimes |
Starring | Charlize Theron, Art Parkinson, Ralph Fiennes, Rooney Mara, George Takei, Matthew McConaughey |
Music | Dario Marianelli |
Cinematography | Frank Passingham |
Edited by | Christopher Murrie |
Production, company | Laika |
Distributed by | Focus Features |
Released | August 13, 2016 (MIFF), August 19, 2016 (United States) |
Running time | 102 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $60 million |
Box office | $77.5 million |
Netflix ID | 80099365 |
Acerca de Kubo and the Two Strings
A young boy tries to find a magical suit of armor in order to defeat an evil spirit. The film was nominated for two Oscar awards.
Los logros de Kubo and the Two Strings
The Skeleton Demon puppet was over 16 feet tall. The boat sequence took over one year to shoot.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Kubo and the Two Strings
Best Animated Feature BAFTA winners.. Films set in feudal Japan.. Focus Features animated films.. Moon in film.. Animated feature films.. Focus Features films.. Films about shapeshifting.. Annie Award winners.. American 3D films.. 2010s American animated films.. Films about music and musicians.. American fantasy adventure films.. Japan in non-Japanese culture.
Información más reciente sobre Kubo and the Two Strings actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.