"Love & Monsters" is the tenth episode of the second series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast on BBC One on 17 June 2006. It was written by executive producer and lead writer Russell T Davies and directed by Dan Zeff. The episode is set in London. In the episode, a human called Elton Pope joins a group of people who have a shared interest in the alien time traveller the Tenth Doctor and his ship the TARDIS. The group is joined and taken over by Victor Kennedy, an alien who has a darker interest in the Doctor and seeks to absorb his physical body and knowledge. Due to the addition of a Christmas special in the production schedule, an episode had to be "double banked" with another story for production to finish on time. With "Love & Monsters", Davies was able to tell a story from a different character's point of view to allow for only a small appearance by lead actors David Tennant and Billie Piper as the Doctor and Rose Tyler.
Directed by | Dan Zeff |
Written by | Russell T Davies |
Script editor | Simon Winstone |
Produced by | Phil Collinson |
Executive producer(s) | Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner |
Incidental music composer | Murray Gold |
Production code | 2.10 |
Series | Series 2 |
Length | 45 minutes |
Originally broadcast | June 17, 2006 |
Acerca de Love and Monsters
A young man navigates love and life amidst a post-apocalyptic backdrop. He must learn to survive a world full of monsters with the help of an expert hunter.
Los logros de Love and Monsters
The film's pitch described the project as being Mad Max meets Zombieland with a love story similar to those found in John Hughes films.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Love and Monsters
Tenth Doctor episodes.. Doctor Who stories set on Earth.
Información más reciente sobre Love and Monsters actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.