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Pain & Gain

26 April, 2013

Acerca de Pain & Gain

Michael Bay crime comedy about bodybuilders who get caught in the middle of an extortion ring and kidnapping scheme. Dwayne Johnson and Rob Corddry later worked together on the HBO series Ballers.

Los logros de Pain & Gain

The film is based on a 1999 series of Miami New Times articles from a story from Pete Collins. Collins wrote the book Pain & Gain: This Is a True Story.

Principales datos que no sabías sobre Pain & Gain

Pain A distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli. The International.... T-Pain An American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and streamer.. Pain (musical project) A musical project from Sweden that mixes heavy metal with influences from electronic music and...

Información más reciente sobre Pain & Gain actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.