The Divorce Party is a 2019 American romantic comedy film directed by Hughes William Thompson and written by Mark Famiglietti and Lane Garrison. The film stars Thomas Cocquerel, Matilda Lutz, and Claire Holt.
Director | Hughes William Thompson |
Produced by | Ryan R. Johnson |
Writer(s) | Mark Famiglietti, Lane Garrison |
Starring | Thomas Cocquerel, Matilda Lutz, Claire Holt |
Music | Chloe Grace Baker |
Cinematography | Marc Katz |
Edited by | Greg Babor, Brad McLaughlin |
Released | February 08, 2019 |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Acerca de The Divorce Party
A recently dumped divorcee looks to get his life back on track by throwing a wedding-sized divorce party. The movie was released on Valentine's Day and is directed by Hughes William Thompson.
Los logros de The Divorce Party
Stars Mark Famiglietti and Lane Garrison authored the screenplay. It was filmed in Savannah, Georgia beginning in November of 2016.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre The Divorce Party
Films shot in Georgia (U.S. state).
Información más reciente sobre The Divorce Party actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.