Kermit the Frog is a Muppet character created and originally performed by Jim Henson. Introduced in 1955, Kermit serves as the straight man protagonist of numerous Muppet productions, most notably Sesame Street and The Muppet Show, as well as in other television series, feature films, specials, and public service announcements through the years. Henson performed Kermit until his death in 1990, and then Steve Whitmire performed Kermit from that time until his dismissal in 2016. Kermit has been performed by Matt Vogel from 2017. He was also voiced by Frank Welker in Muppet Babies and occasionally in other animation projects, and is voiced by Matt Danner in the 2018 reboot of Muppet Babies. Kermit performed the hit singles "Bein' Green" in 1970 and "Rainbow Connection" in 1979 for The Muppet Movie, the first feature-length film featuring the Muppets.
First appearance | Sam and Friends (1955) |
Created by | Jim Henson |
Voiced by | Jim Henson (1955–1990), Steve Whitmire (1990–2016), Matt Vogel (2017–present), Other:Frank Welker (Muppet Babies (1984), animated segments in Little Muppet Monsters, Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue), Matt Danner (Muppet Babies (2018)) |
Performed by | Jim Henson (1955–1990), Steve Whitmire (1990–2016), Matt Vogel (2017–present) |
Species | Muppet frog |
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Entertainer, stage manager, show producer, director, reporter |
Family | Robin the Frog (nephew) |
Nationality | American |
Musical instrument | Banjo |
Acerca de Kermit the Frog
Green frog who is the lead character in many Muppet productions. He made his first appearance on the WRC-TV show Sam and Friends.
Los logros de Kermit the Frog
His big screen debut came in the 1979 film The Muppet Movie, which was a big box office hit.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Kermit the Frog
Kermit the Frog Category.. Fictional producers.. The Muppets characters.. Frog mascots.. Fictional characters from Mississippi.. Sesame Street Muppet characters.. Fictional frogs and toads.. Corporate mascots.. Fictional reporters.
Información más reciente sobre Kermit the Frog actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.