Bad Girls Club is an American reality television series created by Jonathan Murray for the Oxygen network in the United States. The show focused on the altercations and physical confrontations of seven aggressive, quarrelsome, and unruly women. They were featured on the show as "charismatic tough chicks." The cast, deemed "bad girls," would enjoy a luxurious lifestyle in a mansion for three months, during which they obeyed specified rules. Their lives inside and outside of the house were recorded by a production team. Bad Girls Club aired in at least seven nations besides the United States: Sky Living in the United Kingdom and Ireland, MTV in Australia and Russia, RTL 5 in The Netherlands, TV11 in Sweden, SIC Radical in Portugal, Velvet in the Philippines, and Channel [V] in Southeast Asia. If a cast member violated production rules, she was evicted from the show and often replaced by a new cast member.
Genre | Reality television |
Created by | Mary-Ellis Bunim, Jonathan Murray |
Opening theme | "Love Me or Hate Me" by Lady Sovereign (season 1), "Bad Girls" by Tokyo Diiva (seasons 2–4), "Bad Girls" (remix) by Tokyo Diiva (seasons 5–15), "Bad Girls Anthem" by unknown artist (seasons 16–17) |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 17 |
No. of episodes | 275 |
Executive producer(s) | Jonathan Murray, Gil Goldschein, Maria Pepin, Troy Vanderheyden |
Camera setup | Multiple |
Running time | 20–22 minutes (seasons 1–2), 40–43 minutes (seasons 3–17) |
Production company(s) | Bunim/Murray Productions |
Original network | Oxygen |
Picture format | NTSC (480i), HDTV (1080i) |
Related shows | Bad Girls Road Trip, Tanisha Gets Married, Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too, Bad Girls All-Star Battle |
Acerca de Bad Girls Club
A group of misbehaved women live in a house together and try to change their behavior. The series was created by Jonathan Murray.
Los logros de Bad Girls Club
There have been four spin-offs of the show, including Bad Girls Road Trip, Tanisha Gets Married, Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too, and Bad Girls All-Star Battle.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Bad Girls Club
Television series by Bunim/Murray Productions.. Reality television series franchises.. African-American reality television series.
Información más reciente sobre Bad Girls Club actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.