Estoy vivo is a Spanish crime television series with supernatural and comedy elements. Created by Daniel Écija and produced by RTVE in collaboration with Globomedia and Good Mood, it premiered on 7 September 2017 on La 1, and it has been successively renovated up to a fourth season, which premiered on 10 March 2021.
Genre | Crime fiction, Supernatural fiction |
Created by | Daniel Écija |
Starring | Javier Gutiérrez, Anna Castillo, Alejo Sauras |
Country of origin | Spain |
Original language(s) | Spanish |
No. of seasons | 4 |
Production company(s) | RTVE, 64px |
Original network | La 1 |
Acerca de Estoy Vivo
An officer dies persuing a serial killer and comes back to life as another officer five years later. The series won 13 awards.
Los logros de Estoy Vivo
Aitana Sánchez-Gijón won a Zapping Award for Best Actress for this series.
Principales datos que no sabías sobre Estoy Vivo
Television shows set in Madrid.. Television series set in the 2010s.
Información más reciente sobre Estoy Vivo actualizada el 28 de Julio, 2021.