Hacks image


13 May, 2021

Acerca de Hacks

Comedy-drama streaming television series about a mid-twenties comedy writer who takes up an apprenticeship under a legendary Las Vegas comic. The series was created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky.

Los logros de Hacks

The series took home Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Writing and Outstanding Directing. Actress Jean Smart also won Outstanding Lead Actress for her work. 

Principales datos que no sabías sobre Hacks

Hackney carriage A carriage or car for hire. A hackney of a more expensive or high class was called a remise.. Hacks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Hacks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are practical jokes and pranks meant to.... Hacks (1997 film) A 1997 American comedy film written and directed by Gary Rosen.

Información más reciente sobre Hacks actualizada el 26 de Mayo, 2022.